I think it isnt too late to write something about my ol school, Sekolah Menengah Sains Johor, recent big Reunion, SAJOHA which gather alumni of all years since the school exist on 28 may 2010. Initially,I wasn't plan to join the big event as none of my batch plan to go. However, I was invited by my senior Kak Lin (batch 83-87) to join their table and catch up with them since I have not met them for more than 20 years. I was quite thrilled and decided to join them. Furthermore, one of my best friend from a junior batch, Gein (batch 85-89) had also convinced me to go. Not forgetting my many thanks to Amoi and Jamil from batch 83-87 for making me joined the 'party'.

It was funny 'journey' to the location when I went together with Gein and we were sesat for about 1 hour. Of course me and her have a very bad sense of direction, me the hopeless lady from JB and Gein, claimed herself not familiar with KL...hehehe even though she had her GPS in her hand... sorry Gein... Aku pun rasa I don't really know how to follow that GPS thingy... But at last we reached the destination through the help of Lawi, our senior, batch 83-87 through hp direction...however, exceeded ETA. :(
The dinner event went so well and apa lagi when the Emcee was Zainal Alam Kadir, our super senior and dirasmikan pulak oleh Datuk Ahmad Maslan, well-known VIP who was once, our super senior.
From my batch was only, Mat B... the rest were from senior batches, and junior batches. I just wish they will make this event every few years once perhaps and wish that more from my batch 84-88 will join for the event like this...

Love to see my seniors from batch 83-87, kak Lin, kak Nik, Kak Raha, Kak Aim, Kak Yana, Amoi, Lawi and Sam and the list went on and on ... perhaps tak boleh nak mention semua. Yati from batch 82-86, still looking good and pretty. All the juniors ... I still remember you guys... :) Most of all, thrilled to see my teachers, Cikgu Zanariah still look gorgeous and Cikgu MoGa serious look as always...

Thanks to Adrian and Megat for sending me back home until sesat jugak..hehehehe...(Org KL pun sesat)
BRAVO to the committee members. You guys did great jobs and perhaps if ada umor and rezeki...we could improve further and more happening...InsyaAllah..
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