I may want to write in 'rojak' language as most of the practices are by us, Asian. However it is good to share our traditional remedies, treatments and 'pantang' with others...
Hmmm...actually I am not the expert in this...however they are all my mak's (my mom)traditional 'rules' and 'regulations' during confinement. As we all know the 'pantang' after birth will be like 44 days, about 1 and 1/2 months and for career moms, we will be getting 2 months maternity leave. But for me my 'pantang' goes up to 100 days...

Waduh!! if I skip, mak's mouth will never stop grumble, mumble and telling me my body will be this...my skin will be that...my face will look older than my age... You know how tired you will be when you are at this age to be scolded like you are a little girl. But Thank you mak!, I love you...huhuhuhu... if not... I'll be like 'tong drum'.
I've got my three kids through ceasarian and my mak will usually be taking care of me and new born baby my during the confinement period. Once the hospital discharged me... the 'pantang' starts for me and the baby. The first 1 month, it was usually like in the 'prison'... So my mak will be incharged...
I'll be usually probihited to go out of the house except for hospital check ups. In the morning until late afternoon, my hands and legs will be covered with param and my forehead will be covered with pilis...they are traditional 'powder' which you better dont asked me the ingredients... The smell...wow so...traditionally 'bitter'...
My abs and stomach will be tight with special corset which made from a long cloth and before i wear it, i have to put some jamu mixed with lime to apply on my stomach... Jangan tanya how the smell...huhuhu...I also have to wear socks and sweather even the day was so hot outside and I was sweating like so much! Do not take off your sweater nor your socks - warned my mak!!!! huhuhu
Early in the morning, usually I took jamu (traditional herbs) and we used to called it 'jamu rapat!'...hehehehe), milk and a piece of plain bread. Lunch time the menu will always be rice porridge with vegetables...jangan yang sejuk-sejuk but most of the time will be spinach, cabbage or kailan (produce more milk for breastfeeding), fish and haruans boiled (yuck!) and more fish and once a while meat but only boiled and soup menu...NO CHICKEN or EGG AND NO SEAFOODS...ONLY FISHES!!!! Nanti gatal and your wounds won't dry that fast plus the scar will obviously seen. In the evening the same menu and after that consume my jamu..lots of them and drink lots of plain warm water. Warm only huh...my mom kept on reminding....love you so much mak!!!!
That was not all, I was prohibited to take bath for 1 week then after that, only 1 time per day with only warm water until 1 month. Usually I would continue my jamu as my supplements for at least 3 months, no cold water, no chicken and egg for 3 months too or at most 100 days. I would have to follow my mak pantang rules in my meals for the most 100 days. She asked me to maintain my jamu and meals if possible 4-5 months to maintain ideal weight and inner healing.
She told me the reasons behind all these rules will be seen immediate after my pantang and also later when I am getting much more older and will still maintain youthful skin and looks..Wah!
She did told me, the param and pilis were to make sure 'tak masuk angin', so our body would not easily feels aching here and there. The socks and sweater to make sure our body remains warm and those blood veins and whatevet veins lah..(urat-urat) won't appear on your skin espacially legs.
Vegetables and fish are the best meals for diet. Warm water is the best drink, milk will best for our bones for calcium absorbance, jamu is to maintain the inner healing of our body and to keep youthful looking skin and body figures. The special corset is to reduce the the bulging stomach after birth as well the jamu put on stomach is for reducing the strech mark.
Hmmm...I truly believe the 'pantang' rules paid off. Because everytime after my child delivery, I will reduce my weight much more faster and slimmer before I was pregnant. I also do not have much problem about aching here and there, I actually did not see any blood veins on my legs...Alhamdullillah...
I do not have much problems on major freckles, pimples and major wrinkles yet...and I also do not have major hair fall problem after delivery. Alhamdullillah...Ya Allah...all I want is for me to be healthy.... However, after 5 months and above...usually my problem will be I CANT REALLY MAINTAIN MY IDEAL WEIGHT...HUHUHU JUST BECAUSE...I CAN'T RESIST FOOD...huhuhuhu....
I need to change my diet and maybe find time to pamper myselt at sauna, swimming (like I used to do before married)....hurmmm if got lot of money..maybe should get slimming treatment for few sessions... Marie France, Mayfair, Slim World!!! Or maybe liposuction...huhuhuhu desperado lah tu!!