Statistics showed that 80-85% broken marriages caused by 3rd person and betrayal. I could not agreed more. Lots of betrayal comes from husband and there are some from wives. Whatever it is the children will be victimised by the situation and confusion especially when they are still young.
I am not going to brag about this as I am no motivator, psychiatrist, marriage advisor or Psychologist. But what I want to share in my blog are some real stories that happened to my own dear friends and family members. It is up to you to believe or otherwise because I will protect their identities and privacies. To those who know who you are...I hope you do not mind for being anonymously letting me share them in my blog.
Story 1
She was just a housewife and married to a good looking man but didnt conceived any child until they were married for about 7 years. Then they had a boy but after the son was only about 8 years old, her husband past away. She had to struggle financially as she never work before. The savings and insurance from her late husband were not enough to survive for the best of her child. She did all the work that she could as she was not high educated.
I didnt have to tell what sort of jobs she did but as long they were 'halal' and clean in our religion. After 17 years she struggled just to get the best education and life for her son and neglecting her own personal need, the outcome paid-off. Now her son is becoming a real gentleman, good son, good person, respect others, protective to his mom, very well groomed guy, high educated and will be having tremendous career ahead. To you 'great' mom...you can just seat back and relax now...let your son row his boat... you've done great job! Don't worry much about him...pray for him.
Story 2
She is a good looking lady, no doubt about that. She had 3 great kids, great career, highly educated and great personalities. But men are just men, never enough when it comes to women. She was suffering for 3 years due to her husband betrayal and affair with other woman whom i think was low rank kind of lady... I ranked that due to her education level and even her looks. She caught her husband twice in 'the act' that made her lost her patience and finally his husband divorced her.
Story 3
When this person told me this story I was like 'what??!!' is this a movie or what!? Is it real or just illusion? She was a great mom with a great 6 kids. I believe her earlier marriage was like anyone else, hope for the best, tried to be best wife, best mom and have best family...But sometimes never happened according to plan but they happened for reasons... She was left homeless with the kids... and the worst part her ex-husband poured boiling water on her face while she was asleep just to wake her up??!!
He was really hell of a psychopathic man! Well, the blessing was someone paid for her plastic surgery to fixed back her face and well now... she got new face but better looks and without wrinkles and freckles. In directly, she should thanks to her ex-husband...(just kidding..)..and for him...he just have to serve a little longer in the 'cell'. To you strong lady... there are still good men out there...so just give them a chance...!!!
Story 4
About this piece of story, I didn't expect this to happen as I know she was a nice lady, kind-hearted, intelligent, so calm and patience is always with her. Of course, she is very high educated and career women but yet never neglected her family. I never know since so many years knowing her, she has been in an ugly marriage life for the past 10 years. She tried to keep her marriage life as private as possible so that the ugliness of her ex husband character would not leak to anyone. Not only her ex-husband were having affairs with few 'low rank' women, he also hit and beat her. She told me he hit her till one day her ear drum injured badly that she was send to the hospital and she also had once miscarriage. And still she didn't make police report. The reason being, she still want to save the marriage for the sake of the kids.
She admited that she was being stupid because she loved him and the marriage. But I guess enough is enough, when recently she planned to file for divorce and egoisticaly her ex-husband divorced her before she could even file at the court. Well as for her ex-husband, he tried to be nice to his kids well, sorry to say...they are big enough to know 'who you are' and what you've done to her remarkable mother. As for you my friend, wake up! life is short just ignore him, pay attention just to yourself and your kids...So Move On!!!
Story 5
I consider the normal typical imperfect lady, having great kids, having professional husband and having good career but still, life isn't always perfect. Her husband betrayed her and considering he was never feel happy for the past years even the 2 kids came along to thier lives and while she was pregnant the 3rd, he found his 'true' love that he decided to divorce her way before she even delivered her 3rd child. Well the divorced process took place after the 3rd good looking baby delivered and as for her, she was quite prepared for it and she just prayed that one day all her sufferings will turn to thousands of happiness and full of blessings.
Her ex-husband married the 'disgrace' woman right after he was clearly 'unattached' as that was the condition to marry her. Anyway, life is full of miracle...the friend of mine ended her hurts and pains right after she was formally divorced because all she need was only her kids and maybe just here and there things to claim for her & kids' rights... But God works in miracle ways... Allah granted her real love and being love that she never found ever before.... It makes her life so meaningful and bless each and everyday.
For those who shared the stories with me...I urge you to keep on filling your life with love and attention to yourself and your kids (if you have any). Don't give up looking for happiness and pray hard because God knows what is best for you.
It is absolutely vital for you to move forward with life and love. Being willing to trust again is key. Take things one step at a time these points may help:
- Don't try to make sense out of nonsense.
- Rationalizing your cheating spouse's behavior or sympathizing with him/her is pointless.
- It is never OK to go outside of your relationship to solve problems within a relationship. It's not your fault.
- Time heals nothing. It is what you do with the time that matters.
- Remember that it is better to be healthy alone than sick with someone else.
- Remember, kids would rather be from a broken home than live in one.
- They're much better off with one well-adjusted, happy, thriving parent, than they are with two who are cheating, lying, fighting, and living with stress and pressure.
As for the pathetic and ungrateful Men on this earth and all the low disgraceful 'bi****' in the world who feels great by ruining someone's family and leaving the kids heartbroken, well Remember... What comes around goes around... the best part, either he or you are not worth it. One day you'll cry much worst than those whom you hurt, untill your tears dried and turn to blood. Trust me, you will face that worst than us!!! So Good Luck then!!!
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ReplyDeleteNever ever allow anyone to physically/mentally abused you...