Salam to all...I was trying to write something for the past few days but daily routine prohibited me to do so plus I was so tired because just recovered from sore eyes...
Well, I just want to write something about health product which I personally experience... I am not a direct selling type of person but sometime I did join certain membership of some product a.k.a MLM just for my own used and consumed.
It was a few months back through Facebook...(hehehe...really work for me to trace back my old buddies), I found my dearest best friend that I have not seen her for more than 20 years. She is a medical practitioner doctor and also an aesthetician as part of her medical practice at her clinics. We were so thrilled to find each other and for me I was extra excited because she can actually consult me for free...hikhikhik (thank you Gee'in...)...
She and her other MD friend introduced me to the 'Golden Clam' product by Biogreeno. At first I was quite worried if it was not safe product and it will be like some other supplement products in the market which I will not find any changes in me or may have side effects later. However, as the 'Golden Clam' was recommended by my own friend and she is a doctor cum aesthetician and she herself consume it, so I decided to try myself. Her other doctor friend, Dr Zul did finalised my decision because he was the research doctor for the product to the company before they could allow legally to Malaysia. He has to make sure the content, ingredients of the supplements are halal and etc.
She told me that after I consumed the right way, I will be able to see the result and should be happy about it. I did asked her how she could maintain her flawless and youthful looking skin. But she told me ...
'Well actually all of us will be having skin problems due to age factors but I have to walk the talk...and I have to look fresh and not haggard skin or problematic skin especially to my patients'...
However, what interesting about her is...she won't take placenta or vitamin C injection or something like that because...she is afraid of needles.... hahahaha... she said...Her job is to 'poke' needle to her patients but don't ever poke her unneccessarily...
So I took 'golden clam' for about 5 months now for my body health and skin particularly...and my tesmonial about the product is... I feel my whole skin is smoother and softer, my abs strech marks due to pregnancies also visibly reduce by 85%..but if I were to show to you...(takan lah nak tunjukkan?) it seemed not there anymore... The best if someone else notice the smoothness of your skin...then better you feel great lah kan!!!
For facial testinomy it will take a little more time to see good result if you have problematic facial skin but it will be fast if your get proper treatment from proper aesthetician. I would recommend you go and see medical doctor who have aesthetic licence. But if you dont have facial skin problem, your face will glow and look fresh...(unless selalu tak cukup tido macam i...huhuhu)
Anyway, this golden clam is actually will cleanse your liver and help detoxifications. I am not good in explaining the scientific facts and advantages...maybe you could browse to the following link later.
She also have few facial products that she recommended me after skin consultation and I found the products recomended by her are good and affordable. She recommended me CLIV facial treatment products and I think I'll share with you when I have a chance to get the catalogue from her...
She also have a very high end products for more effective and fast results but with the right treatment and proper consultation. The thing is...you should have enough budget or luxury budget for that...huhuhuhu...you should check out Cosmelan...it is used by the plastic surgeons and constructive surgeon..(something like that lah...) all around the world for treatment after surgery.
It is quite troublesome for me to see her actually because we live quite apart from each other, I am in JB and she is in Shah Alam/KL. If I really have the opportunity (and budget tooo...hehehehe) I will seek for her consultation and gentle treatment monthly... Nice to be 'pampered' once in awhile by your best 'girl school buddy' but in a proffessional cause...(hurmmm do I make sense???...)

So anyone who would like to contact her for consultation and treatment at her clinics, Shah Alam or KL, do drop your email at nurin83@live.com. Please serious ye...those spammers will be filtered OUT! Well I will paste the photo of my good buddy, Dr Muzvin and of course with her permission tau! (Gee'in...kena bagi aku commission nih!!! Gambar kau ni dah lawan towkeh blog nih...mana boleh...hehehe )..
OK...till then to my next post everyone...bye...