Lately i was a little bit stress so just now I juz had few chocolate bars...(there goes my diet...ahakz...never diet when it comes to Chocolate)... Anyway, last 2 days, collegue aku, Si Amin, tiba-tiba tanye aku recipe potato salad yang aku penah buat and brought to the office. Aku ni actually memang tak suka masak and tak rajin sangat masak or suka salin recipe nak try menu baru or cakes or anythg like that, but I do enjoy food so much, from eastern to western and from northern to southern, east coast to west coast. Tak kisah lah...sume aku belasah as long as they are edible and Halal.

So aku rasa kelakar lah nak bagi recipe kat sini tapi disebabkan permintaan dari kawan-kawan and sedara mara ni, aku letak lah kat sini... Aku ingat nak letak lah few recipes yang proven OK lah commented dari kawan-kawan and family tapi yang paling bangga, bila mak aku pun suka few cooking yang aku buat termasuk lah potato salad.
The Original Recipe was from My aunty Cik Idah. She learnt it from her mom-in-law who was from Germany.
The quantity of the ingredient may not be accurate because it is purely depending on your own ‘air tangan’ and your own personal taste ok!!! Klu tak sedap don’t blame me!! (Hik3x)
Serve : 4-5 pax (2-3 kg serving)
Ingredient :
- 2 kg potato ( you can have affordable potato or the expensive American potato)
- 6-7 eggs (M size)
- 2-3 Capsicum (if you have green, yellow and red should be much attractive for your potato salad)
- 10 spoon full of Mayonnaise (again depends whether you want it more rich or less rich of taste)
- 1 pc of Lemon
- 1 pc Small onion
- ½ teaspoon of salt (again it depends on your taste)
- ½ cube of chicken stock (again it depends on your taste)
- A little ‘pump’ of Mustard (If you like to have but ok if not)
How to do it?? (Easy lah…)
- Boil your potato and eggs till they are perfectly boiled
- Then cool them first at the room temperature. While waiting, prepare the following:
- Cut the capsicum to small/medium pieces then put aside
- Cut the small onion to very small pieces and put aside
- For the lemon source, salt, chicken stock and the lemon juice (squeeze the lemon dulu ok!) put them in a small bowl and pour hot boiled water about 40-50 ml and stir them all well.
- Cut the potato about your ‘thumb size’ and cut each egg to 4. DON’T FORGET TO PEEL OFF THE EGGS SKIN!!!
- You can choose to peel of the potato skin or not to peel the skin if you are using the good quality of potato.
- Then put the potato, eggs, onion, capsicum in a big bowl and tuang the lemon source, mayonnaise and mustard (if any) together in the bowl. Gaul sampai rata then taste it first…cukup masin, masam and milky.Then keep in the fridge for atleast 5 hours. Then, there you go…rasa lah sendiri...

Till next time aku try bagi recipe yang lain-lain pulak from my friends and family... termasuk yang 'ciptaan' aku sendiri....
Eh Nurin...bukan dulu nko ke yg masak spaghetti sauce masa kita kat rumah sewa...kan?