Lately I was quite excited to start my blog back... Actually so many things I wanted to share with all of you. But the one that triggered me the most was the true story about a friend of mine who is currently a single super mom. She shared her true life story recently, that shut my voice but remained my mouth wide opened throughout her sharing session!!!

To me, (macam berlagak lah aku ni pulak!) sometimes those movies did not make any rational and logical sense of normal human character that make me sick to watch and said 'Bodoh lah punye cerita...Mana ada orang macam ni punye bodoh and baik sangat! Allah bagi otak pikir je lah!!!!'. Hehehe sorry... Those are my favourite 'quotes' when watching most malay/indon movies...Although they made me pissed (Oppppsss!!! sorry...) But still they made me cried....huhuhuhu....Da*%$#!!!

My dear friend was being hit and abused ever since she got married to his husband who has such professional and reputable career. At first she thought it was just his rare character whenever he got angry 'overloaded'. Plus, she loved her husband and tried hard to save the marriage and of course did not want to disgrace her husband...(Yeah...right!!! tried me then!!! let me spank him for her!!!) But until she had 4 girls, the abusive act getting worst ,even to his own kids, the 4 lovely girls.
What made my tears ran out were a few incidents such as ,he pushed and thumped hard his little girl's head to the wall few times whenever he was outraged, and he did dripped melting candle on one of his toddler girl's legs just to make sure that she could feel pain and not some kind of kid with handicapped legs.

I guess after more than 18 years they have been together in as a family, Allah showed my friend that she deserves better life and their marriage has came to the end when he decided to marry other younger 'lady' (which I am trying to control my words here not to call her 'b****') which he thought could give him more better kids and divorced my friend in front of the so-called-perfect-lady. I am not gonna talked about how the lady won his heart by ruining and torn this family apart, enough to tell you that, he thought that my friend was not a perfect wife and not attractive anymore.
Well, every beginnings has endings and now, I am so happy for this lovely lady-super woman-incredible mom-and-friend of mine because she did becoming better and stronger person i ever met... All the best to you babe!!!
My questions are to all of you, what is your level of perfect wives or husbands or even in a person?What is perfect to you? Are perfect person and you claimed to be perfectionist? Then the answer is all in you!!!...
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